Connie Bell, Dawson Co-op HR Advisor, at the DCSS Career Fair in March 2024
Connie Bell Shines for Co-op, Inspiring Future Generations
March 14, 2024

Sharing the excitement of being part of such an outstanding community, Connie Bell was thrilled to represent Dawson Co-op at the DCSS South Peace Career Fair event on March 13, 2024. The table Connie set up proved to be a hit, with a constant flow of students eager to learn about the fantastic opportunities Dawson Co-op has to offer. Throughout the morning, many of our student-employees made a point to connect with her at the table, proudly extolling the virtues of working at Co-op to their peers. Connie couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in the positive impact their workplace has on others – it was truly a moment worth celebrating.

“Representing Dawson Co-op at the event was truly an honor. Seeing our student-employees proud to share their experiences only reaffirms the exceptional workplace culture we’ve built together.” – Connie Bell

Additionally, Connie was delighted to capture a pic with her grade 11 daughter, who shares Connie’s enthusiasm for Dawson Co-op and aspires to join the team one day. With such enthusiasm from both current and future generations, the future of Dawson Co-op looks brighter than ever!