Swift Response Ensures Safety After Truck Fire Near Rolla Ag
January 28, 2025

On Monday, January 27, 2025 at approximately 7:00 pm, a supplier delivery truck caught fire just outside the south gate of our Rolla Ag facility. While the truck cab was significantly damaged, the trailer and cargo remained intact, and there was no damage to any Rolla Ag assets.

We are relieved to report that the driver escaped unharmed. The fire was quickly managed thanks to the actions of a passerby, the swift response of our team members, and a neighboring community member who assisted with a water truck. Their prompt actions ensured the safety of all involved and minimized any potential impact to the surrounding area.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who responded to the situation and are committed to continuing to prioritize the safety of our facilities, team members, and community. Dawson Co-op is working with the trucking company to determine the cause of the truck fire.

For any further inquiries,
please contact:
Kevin Brigden
Safety Manager
Dawson Co-operative Union
P: 250.782.4858
E: ks.brigden@dawsonco-op.com

Heather Kohler
Communications and Marketing Manager
Dawson Co-operative Union
P: 250.782.4858
E: h.kohler@dawsonco-op.com